Customer Satisfaction Survey

    Company Name:

    Your Name:






      State:   Zip: 

    Overall, How satisfied are you with Accu-Rite Tool and Manufacturing?

    1 - Very Dissatisfied2 - Dissatisfied3 - Neutral4 - Satisfied5 - Very Satisfied

    How likely is it that you would use Accu-Rite again in the future?

    1 - Very Unlikely2 - Unlikely3 - Neutral4 - Likely5 - Very Likely

    How likely would you be to recommend Accu-Rite to your colleagues?

    1 - Very Unlikely2 - Unlikely3 - Neutral4 - Likely5 - Very Likely

    Please rate the importance of each of the following services provided by Accu-Rite.

    On Time Delivery?

    1 - Very Unimportant2 - Unimportant3 - Neutral4 - Important5 - Very Important

    Quality of Product?

    1 - Very Unimportant2 - Unimportant3 - Neutral4 - Important5 - Very Important

    Customer Service?

    1 - Very Unimportant2 - Unimportant3 - Neutral4 - Important5 - Very Important

    Please rate your satisfaction of each of the following services provided by Accu-Rite.

    On Time Delivery?

    1 - Very Dissatisfied2 - Dissatisfied3 - Neutral4 - Satisfied5 - Very Satisfied

    Quality of Product?

    1 - Very Dissatisfied2 - Dissatisfied3 - Neutral4 - Satisfied5 - Very Satisfied

    Customer Service?

    1 - Very Dissatisfied2 - Dissatisfied3 - Neutral4 - Satisfied5 - Very Satisfied
